Pink Floyd
DMother do you think they'll drop the boGmb?A D DMother do you think they'll like this sonGg?A D GMother do you think they'll try to break my balDls? AOhhhh.. GAhhhh.. Mother should I build a walDl? DMother should I run for presidenGt?A D DMother should I trust the governmentG? A D GMother will they put me in the firing lineD? AOhhhh... GAhhhhh.. Mother is it just a waste of timeD? DHush now baby don't you crGy. CMama's gonna make all of your Gnightmares come true CMama's gonna put all of her Gfears into you, CMama's gonna keep you right here, Gunder her wing, CShe won't let you fly, but she Gmight let you sing, CMama's gonna keep baby cGozy and wDarm. AOhhhh... GBabe, AOhhhh... GBabe, AOhh... Babe, Gof course mama's gonna help build the waDll. solo DMother do you think she's good enoughG.. foDr me? DMother do you think she's dangerous..G.. toD me? GMother will she tear your little boy apaDrt? AOohhhh.. G Aaahhh... DMother will she break my heartG? DHush now baby don't you cryG. CMama's gonna cheak out all of your Ggirlfriends for you, CMama won't let anyoneG dirty get through, CMama's gonn wait up, Guntill you get in, CMama will always find out Gjust where you've been, CMama's gonna keep baby, Ghealthy and cleanD. AOoohhhh... BGaby, AOoohhhh... BGaby, AOoohhhh Gbaby, yoDu'll always be baby to me. DMother did it need to be so Ghigh? |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:12:10.819+00:00
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